
Local Travel Guide Google Maps Intro

Introduction Traveling can be stressful, but with Google Maps and a little know-how, you can plan your trip like a local. Whether you're driving or taking public transit, here's what you need to know before leaving home. Know before you go: traveling with Google Maps Before you can get started, there are a few things you should know. First, download the Google Maps app on your phone or tablet and make sure that it's up-to-date with the latest version of Android or iOS. Next, create an account for yourself in case you need to access any services like transit directions or Street View imagery after your trip is over. Once everything is set up, open up the app and select "Explore" from the main menu at the bottom of your screen (it looks like three horizontal lines). This will take you through several screens including finding places nearby (by typing keywords into search boxes) or searching across countries by name or region if no exact addre...