Local Travel Guide Google Maps Intro


Traveling can be stressful, but with Google Maps and a little know-how, you can plan your trip like a local. Whether you're driving or taking public transit, here's what you need to know before leaving home.

Know before you go: traveling with Google Maps

Before you can get started, there are a few things you should know.

  • First, download the Google Maps app on your phone or tablet and make sure that it's up-to-date with the latest version of Android or iOS.

  • Next, create an account for yourself in case you need to access any services like transit directions or Street View imagery after your trip is over.

  • Once everything is set up, open up the app and select "Explore" from the main menu at the bottom of your screen (it looks like three horizontal lines). This will take you through several screens including finding places nearby (by typing keywords into search boxes) or searching across countries by name or region if no exact address exists—or both!

Using Google Maps to plan a trip

If you're looking to plan a trip, Google Maps is the best app for that. You can use it on your phone or tablet and it will help you navigate through the city of your choice.

Using Google Maps is easy: download the app and then open it up. Once you have opened up the app, tap on "Search" at the top of your screen (you should have done this before opening up this article). From there, type in where you want to go and press enter—or if there's more than one place with similar names but different addresses like "New York City" and "New York State", select New York City as your destination instead of just typing in "NYC". Then select one waypoint from here until there's only one left (so if there were three wayspoints originally selected as options before choosing New York City as our starting point above then now only two remain). Finally click on Plan It!

Helpful tools for travel

Google Translate is a great tool for travel. It allows you to speak and type in languages from around the world, including English and Spanish. You can also use it as an offline translator if your phone doesn't have internet access. Even better: it's available on Android phones!

  • Google Trips lets you keep track of all your trips in one place so that when you get home from a trip abroad, there will be pictures and videos ready for sharing online or saving locally on your device.* Google My Maps makes navigating around town easy by providing directions using photos taken by Google Street View cars along with 3D views.* Easy access to other useful tools like weather reports through their app (available on iOS only), maps showing where restaurants are located nearby based on reviews written by other users visiting those same places too!

Driving and navigation essentials

Google Maps will give you turn-by-turn directions, public transit information and walking directions.

Learn to use Google Maps so you can explore new places.

Google Maps is a great way to find local attractions, restaurants, and travel. If you want to explore new places but don't know where to start, here are some tips for using Google Maps:

  • Use Google Maps' Explore tab to find out what's nearby by typing in your location. The Explore page will tell you how far away each place is from your current location and whether or not there's any public transportation that goes directly there (like bus stops). You can also check out attractions such as museums and parks on this same page!

  • Once you've found something interesting on the Explore page, click "Directions" next time it comes up again so that it opens up into an integrated map with directions overlaid onto top of it—this way all at once instead of having two separate windows open simultaneously like before (or trying closing one down entirely). There's no need anymore just clicking back repeatedly because now everything has been neatly organized together!

See your next trip like a local in places you visit

When planning your next trip, you may have the urge to go back to your hometown. But are you really going to see your next destination like a local? Here are some tips for staying connected while traveling:

  • Use Google Maps to find places to visit and things to do in each city or town you visit. This lets you plan ahead and make sure there's something fun happening at each spot on your itinerary that day. You can also use this tool when looking up transportation options around town—it will tell you what type of bus/train/etc., which stops are nearby, how much it costs per person (and if there's a discount), etc., so it's easy as pie!

  • Get recommendations from friends who live near where they're traveling—they may know good restaurants or interesting landmarks worth checking out during their stay there!


Hopefully, this guide has helped you to plan your next trip. We know that there are many different ways to explore the world, but we also know that even small trips can be incredibly memorable experiences. This article should have given you ideas on how to better prepare yourself and your friends before heading out on an adventure abroad. If there is anything else we can do for other travelers please let us know through our contact page!
